A mining company with an 11% dividend yield and a ROE of 25% and little debt?
This company is a mining giant that is trading at a good price due to a particular market situation. There is a high correlation between...
FEPIC Investment Ideas
A mining company with an 11% dividend yield and a ROE of 25% and little debt?
Update on the ETF to "get high" and new idea related to the 24/10 post
A beaten ETF in a sector that could have a regulatory change. To get "high"?
2.4% Div Yield and Price-earnings ratio of 8x. Media stock about to take off?
This ETF is at historically low sentiment levels with a lot of flow coming in. Candidate to look at!
Capital increase in this stock. Possible change of control?
Are you kidding me?. 55% ROE growing 140% per year in net profit and no debt?
A share with a 14% dividend yield and a 2x Price / Earnings Ratio